Join SHRM's Advocacy Team

SHRM’s Advocacy Team (A-Team) is the core driver of positive workplace policy in action. Together the A-Team is advancing public policies that foster better workplaces and create a better world. Lawmakers rely on the voice of SHRM members—to inform policy from its inception and shape enduring policy to best address the needs of employees and employers.

As a member of SHRM’s A-Team—YOUR VOICE MATTERS.

SHRM and its nearly 325,000 members are uniquely qualified to advocate on workplace policy issues. The collective work of our membership impacts the lives of more than 362 million employees—your voice must be heard. Together, we can influence workplace public policy that impacts millions of workers each day.

A-Team members are provided with the training and education needed to effectively influence workplace policy. You will reach out to your lawmakers by sending emails or making calls, by visiting them in their district offices, or attending state Advocacy Days organized by your SHRM State Council or Chapter. 

As a member of the A-Team, you will build relationships with other SHRM members, develop persuasive communications and policy skills and drive your career forward as a strategic partner in your organization.