Managing a Global Workforce

To learn more about the Managing a Global Workforce competency, start by viewing the video to the right. Then, explore the content below to expand your knowledge. You'll find micro-eLearnings, articles, how-to guides, videos and more. Happy learning!


These resources are all SHRM verified and supported content.

Reimagining Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives

10 Ways to Learn More about Other Cultures

Must all employers check applicants against a terrorist list before hiring?

How can an organization ensure the safety and security of expatriates and other employees in high-risk areas?

Do we have to offer the same benefits to our employees who work in other countries as to the employees working in the United States?

How do we handle income taxes for expatriates?

How should we compensate an employee on a foreign assignment?

Introduction to the Global Human Resources Discipline

International Assignment Management: Expatriate Policy and Procedure

Do U.S. employment laws apply to U.S. citizens working abroad?

Anti-Human-Trafficking Policy

Managing International Assignments

Understanding and Obtaining U.S. Employment Visas


Learn from the best and explore these videos from SHRM conferences.

The Global Assignment An Overview of the Components to a Successful and Compliant Expat Assignment

Managing Risk for Global Teams in the Era of Data Privacy

Effective Talent Management Strategies in Southeast Asia

Doing Business Globally with Multicultural Teams Strategies to Manage Integration

10 Things Your HR Team Must Know Before Greenlighting Global Expansion

Transforming Lives — Second Chance for Women An Indian Oil Case Study

International Trade Secrets A Strategic Overview - 58:36

Woman working on laptop online, checking emails and planning on the internet while sitting in an office alone at work. Business woman, corporate professional or manager searching the internet

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