Driving the Future of Work

Keeping HR Ahead of the Curve

Celebrating its 75th anniversary, SHRM sits at the center of talent and workplace development strategies, supporting HR professionals, employers and employees alike — and the SHRM Foundation drives action to improve the future of the workplace. Explore how the SHRM Foundation drove positive change across the world of work in 2023, keeping HR ahead of the curve.

Building a World of Work That Works for All

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Widening Pathways to Work

We mobilize and equip the HR profession and employers to embrace untapped talent pools and develop a skills-first mindset to drive recruitment, retention and career advancement.

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Strengthening the HR Field

By supporting HR students and emerging professionals with funding, mentorship and support, we ensure a bright future for the profession.

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Tackling Societal Challenges

We strengthened the HR field by advancing on-the-job training and guidance to expand opportunities for apprenticeships and mentorships.

Our Impact by the Numbers

70+ percent

Increase among HR leaders who said they were actively seeking opportunities to engage and hire military-connected talent after taking the SHRM Foundation Veterans at Work Certificate.

9+ out of 10

HR professionals who said they were ready to embrace their role in fostering the growth of the next generation of HR leaders after being a mentor in a SHRM Foundation mentorship program.


Downloads of the SHRM Foundation Field Guide for Mental Health demonstrate a strong commitment from HR professionals to prioritizing mental health in the workplace.

2023 Highlights

young smiling man shaking executive's hand
Closing the Gap: Skills-First at Work

Developed the Skilled Credentials Toolkit and Skilled Credentials Action Planner and conducted our first Employer Collaborative for Skilled Credentials pilot.

woman works on a laptop in a library surrounded by books
Investing in the Profession: Scholarships, Grants and Awards

Distributed over $330,000 in scholarships to undergraduates and graduates studying the HR field and more than $300,000 in grants for emerging and established HR professionals seeking to advance their careers.

man working in a factory showing woman his work
Frontline Learning: Registered Apprenticeship Program

Placed 129 apprentices with 85 employers representing 35,000 employees across 25 states through our Human Resource Registered Apprenticeship Program.

Tharseō: Extending Our Brand Among Key Audiences

Illuminated the brand through the annual SHRM Tharseō global awards program, honoring three visionaries whose transformative thought leadership is leading to better workplaces and a better world.

older man looking overwhelmed with hand over his face in front of laptop
Our Full Support: Rising to Workplace Mental Health Challenges

Created the SHRM Foundation Field Guide for Mental Health, which was downloaded 5,164 times by year’s end.

two women collaborating in an office holding papers
The Voice of Experience: Mentorship Program

Cultivated connections through the HR Mentorship Program national and local events, plus skill-building sessions, empowering over 700 students and HR professionals to expand their networks.

Thank You

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Many thanks to our generous investors without whose funding none of this work would be possible. Your contributions directly support our mission. They advance our ability to have a collective impact on the workplace and the world.

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A sincere thank you to our SHRM chapters, state councils and volunteer leaders. We could not do this without your generosity and passion. We deeply appreciate your work in fund raising and amplifying the SHRM Foundation's message.

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