California Residents - Urge Your State Assemblymember to Oppose SB 399

SHRM and the California State Council of SHRM (CalSHRM) request your help in contacting your state assemblymember to urge them to oppose Senate Bill 399, which could chill and stifle open communication and dialogue between California employers and their employees.

Originally introduced in the California State Senate, SB 399 would prohibit both public and private employers in California from taking adverse employment actions against employees who decline to attend employer-sponsored meetings or participate in, receive, or listen to communications regarding the employer’s opinions on religious or political matters.

SHRM champions fostering civil, inclusive, and productive workplaces where everyone feels valued and respected. Through respectful communication and empathy, employers and employees can create more dynamic, diverse, and productive workplaces. However, we are concerned that this legislation in its current form would unintentionally stifle the ability of California employers and HR professionals to facilitate open, civil dialogues within their workplaces.

SB 399 also risks creating confusion and legal redundancy, which could unintentionally impose burdensome compliance challenges for HR professionals and employers in California. Existing California laws, as well as federal law under the National Labor Relations Act, already safeguard employees from employer coercion related to political and religious matters.

In June, SHRM and CalSHRM submitted a letter expressing these concerns about SB 399 to California legislators. SHRM and CalSHRM oppose this legislation as drafted, but we believe our expertise can be a valuable resource for finding common ground.

Stay tuned for more updates on this critical workplace issue. If you have any questions about this campaign, please contact SHRM Government Affairs at