COVID-19 Work For Recertification
Earn professional develoment credits for recertification by supporting your organization and community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
PDCs For Pandemic Work
SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credential holders can earn 30 Professional Development Credits (PDCs) toward recertification for their work to support their organization and community during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Listed below are COVID-related topics you may have managed or addressed during your recertification cycle that could be documented for PDCs under the "Advance your Organization" category:
- CARES Act and its impact on unemployment
- Communicable disease exposure issues and quarantine pay
- Essential business and essential workers ( hazard pay, protecting workers in the public)
- FFCRA law implementation and exceptions
- Furloughs, pay reductions, layoffs
- Hiring in a COVID-19 and virtual world (rescinding and delaying offers, i-9 issues)
- PPP loans and loan forgiveness
- Return to work issues (recall, health screening/testing, social distancing, etc.)
- Transitioning to a hybrid or virtual workforce
To take advantage of this opportunity, follow the instructions outlined in the COVID-19 2023 Work Project Activity Form.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. Why is SHRM offering this option?
With the COVID-19 pandemic still in the forefront, SHRM realizes many HR professionals continue to support their organization’s and/or community’s COVID-19 needs and want to make sure those SHRM certified receive acknowledgment for the countless hours that they have dedicated to this effort.
2. How does the process work?
- Please download and complete the COVID-19 2023 Work Project Activity Form. Note that the form is PDF fillable and all you need to do is check the applicable activities that you’ve completed and include the contact information of your supervisor.
- Log in to your certification portal at portal.shrm.org. Click on “Add PDCs”, select "NO" when asked if you have an activity code, then select the Advance Your Organization category.
- Type in the required information, then upload the form. A correctly completed form must be uploaded to receive credits.
- Submit your completed recertification record when you have 60 or more credits. Your completed recertification record must be submitted by your recertification expiration date or preferably by your end date or before.
NOTE: Please keep in mind that SHRM conducts random verification reviews on a percentage of completed recertification records. If you choose this activity option and your record is selected, your submission must contain a completed COVID-19 2023 Work Project Activity Form. Otherwise, your credits will be denied. Please refer to the 2023 Recertification Requirements Handbook for additional information on the verification process.
3. How do I ensure my COVID-19 work project submission is approved?
To ensure approval of your project, submit a completed COVID-19 2023 Work Project Activity Form, and be sure you have completed the work you indicated on the form that you did.
4. I completed my COVID-19 work in 2019 when the program guidelines were different. Should I follow the guidelines outlined for the program in the year I did the work?
COVID-19 work project programs from previous years have all been retired and are no longer valid. To claim the 30 PDCs for this activity, you must follow the current guidelines, which include the submission of a completed COVID-19 2023 Work Project Activity Form.
5. Do I have to pay to recertify, and if so, what is the fee?
Yes, the recertification fee(s) still applies. $100 for members, $150 for non-members, and an additional $50 late fee if you submit after your cycle end date and within your cycle grace period.
6. I already have credits on my record, so the addition of these credits will put me over the required amount to recertify. What happens to those additional credits?
Our carryover policy will allow you to carry up to 20 PDCs forward to your next recertification cycle.
7. Is this offer only available this year, or is it a permanent professional development option?
This option is a permanent professional development option.
8. I’m not due to recertify until next year. Can I take advantage of this offer now and recertify early?
Yes, you may. In fact, early recertification is encouraged.
9. I plan to recertify early in the year and will definitely be using this option to complete the process. Can I use this option a second time to complete my new cycle?
You can, but with some caveats. You can’t submit a summary of the same activities you participated in earlier; that would be “double-dipping”. However, if you find the work you are doing to support your organization’s COVID-19 needs have evolved and require the acquisition of new knowledge and skills, then that would work. Just keep in mind that you cannot submit SHRM Certification Recertification PDC Allotment for COVID-19 Activities your completed recertification record until you are one year into your 3-year recertification cycle.
10. I’m currently in my recertification grace period and plan to use this option to complete my recertification process. Will I have to pay a late fee?
Yes, if you do not complete your recertification process by your cycle end date and complete the process during the 60-day grace period, then you will be required to pay a $50 late fee.
11. I, unfortunately, did not complete the recertification process in time and, as a result, allowed my SHRM certification to lapse. Is it possible for me to have my credential reinstated and use this option to complete the process?
The decision to reinstate your credential will depend on several factors, such as the length of time your certification has expired, the number of PDCs you have on file, and the reason for allowing your credential to lapse. If it is determined that your credential can be reinstated, then yes, you may use this option to complete the process. Considering the tremendous amount of changes occurring worldwide, SHRM will offer certificants as much flexibility as possible.
Chapter Activities Supporting Covid-19 Work
If you reside within the United States, consider watching at least one chapter or state council webinar focusing on COVID-19, and include the PDC activity ID in your summary form. Anyone can view the webinars, and you do not have to be a participating chapter member.
Membership in a local SHRM chapter is separate from membership in SHRM. We encourage you to become a member of both! Use the Chapter Locator to easily identify a local professional or student chapter in your area.