Add An Activity
Welcome to the SHRM Recertification Provider Program! You are now authorized to offer programs and events for SHRM professional development credits (PDCs).
4 Easy Steps to Add an Activity
- Login to your account
- Select “Course List” under the Recertification Provider module
- Click on the “Add an Activity” button
- Complete the form
Getting Started
- Activities must be added to the portal before the begin date. Activities that have already occurred cannot be added retroactively.
- Activities are awarded PDCs immediately after you add them to your portal, without preapproval by SHRM.
- When adding activities to the portal you have the option of setting them up as open (those open for public attendance) or closed (those closed to the public and only open to select participants or by invitation only) events. This is done by selecting the "Yes" or "No" option under the "Publish to Portal" area. If the activity is open to the public select "Yes"; if the activity is an event that is only open to a select audience select "No."
- Activity PDC allotments are calculated in 15-minute increments. Each 15-minute increment = .25, or a quarter of 1 PDC. If you have a program that offers more than 45 PDCs, contact the SHRM Recertification Provider Team at recertificationprovider@shrm.org.
- All activities must have a parent course. A course may consist of several activities. However, all activities must have the same details as the parent course including PDC count. If the PDCs assigned to an activity are different from the course, you must create a new course for the activity. For additional information on this requirement, please refer to the SHRM Recertification Provider Activity Submission Instructions guide.
Activity Formats
Activities can be virtual, in-person or blended. They can occur regularly or just once. Read the categories below to best identify your activity type.
Active Activities
After adding programs to your SHRM Recertification Provider portal, please note the following:
- An Activity ID is created immediately, which means the program has been awarded PDCs.
- If you find you need to make a change to the number of PDCs or to the activity format, please contact SHRM at recertificationprovider@shrm.org for assistance. Grayed-out fields cannot be changed. If the event has not occurred and you need to change any of the other information, you can do so from your account portal.
- Activity IDs should not be sent to registrants before a program starts. Activity IDs should be provided only to participants who complete the program. The Activity ID can be included in onsite program information or noted on a certificate of completion.
- When giving out the Activity ID to attendees, please use the CONSOLAS font type, when possible, as it is the best font for distinguishing between letters and numerals (for example: O and 0; I and 1; S and 5, etc).