Developing Learner Centric Facilitators in an Indian Conglomerate
Leading Indian conglomerate engaged in energy, petrochemicals, textiles, retail and telecommunications. Ranked amongst the Global Fortune 500 World’s Biggest Corporations and amongst the Top 250 Global energy Companies.
The L&D leadership team of the organization have a long term vision for transforming learning within the organisation, aligned with the firm’s wider strategic vision for itself. Specific need was to:
- Ensure that professionals adopt the presence and behaviours that will help them lead learning interactions in an efficient way.
- Enhance on the job performance by facilitating learning in a more structured, evidence-based way
- Design of a holistic Facilitation Skills Program based on the 6D principles focused on developing facilitators, not presenters; disengaging ppt. based training and leveraging contemporary trends in learning, technology and disruptive innovation
- Program construct included 24 hours of face to face workshop time, 6-10 hours of self learning and flipped classroom and 2-4 hours of action facilitation project spread over a 9 week horizon. Learning transfer was driven through the Action Learning Project and deployment supported through post workshop engagement and job aids.
- Assessment criteria were in-built at various stages of the program and a certification approach ensures gravitas and and transfer of learning.
- Program rolled out to close to 100 participants. Feedback from participants and managers highly positive.
- Post-workshop evaluation and workplace transfer evaluation on-going currently
- SHRM is engaging with the organization for Phase-II of the program – focusing on Advanced Facilitation Skills - facilitators to go beyond merely presentation techniques to focus on reflective pedagogical practices that can help them drive learning in a deeper and more meaningful way.
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