The Aging Workforce
For the next 15 to 25 years, in most industrialized countries the large Baby Boom generation will be reaching traditional retirement age and leaving the workforce. To respond to this exodus of talent, organizations must recognize the value of mature workers and develop strategies to retain and engage them.
Literature on the Aging Workforce
Aging Workforce Initiative Resources
The SHRM Foundation champions workforce and workplace transformation and inspires HR professionals to make it happen. Join us in challenging aging workforce myths and make a difference in your organization.
If you are a SHRM chapter or state council leader, share our Aging Workforce initiative resources to educate your members. Simply follow these five steps, then register your state or chapter as an Aging Workforce partner. You will earn a special digital award badge to display on your website.
Be creative! Your community project could qualify your chapter or state council for a SHRM Pinnacle Award. For more information view our aging workforce mailer for SHRM chapters and state councils.
1. Make a commitment to participate.
Designate a chapter or council champion to coordinate and lead these activities.
2. Poll your members (optional). Use SHRM's Preparing for an Aging Workforce Chapter Survey to compare your members' readiness for the aging workforce to the national survey fielded by SHRM. Share and discuss the results with your members.
- Download the survey questions
3. Present a PowerPoint presentation at a chapter or state council meeting. The provided presentation will explain why this issue is important, how to take action and where to find resources.
- Download the presentation (PowerPoint)
- Download the speaker notes (PDF)
- Download a flyer to distribute
4. Post a link to aging workforce resources on your website. Make it easy for your members to find the resources they need to address aging workforce issues in their organizations. Share a link on your website to this page, SHRM Foundation's aging workforce resources: https://shrm.org/foundation/aging-workforce
5. Make a difference in your community. Engage your members in a local event or service project to help your community, or raise funds or awareness. Download this brochure for more program ideas: Aging Local Impact Brochure. Examples include (but are not limited to):
- Offer resume and interview coaching for mature workers
- Present the Aging Workforce presentation above to your local chamber of commerce or other business group
- Contact your local AARP office to partner on local events
- Offer a training session on how to conduct workforce planning
- Provide coaching to members on creating more flexible and inclusive workplaces for older workers
- Host a fundraising activity to support the SHRM Foundation's mission of building more inclusive organizations.