a diverse group of colleagues meet around a conference table

Resources for SHRM Chapter & State Council Volunteer Leaders

The SHRM Foundation is grateful for the support we receive from SHRM chapters and state councils. As the 501(c)(3) philanthropic arm of SHRM, the SHRM Foundation’s work is only possible through the generosity of others who believe in our vision to build a work of work that works for all. 

These resources are specifically prepared for SHRM chapters and state councils to assist their efforts to educate their communities about the work of the SHRM Foundation and to help volunteer leaders raise funds to benefit the SHRM Foundation.

As a 501(c)(3), the work of the SHRM Foundation is only possible through generous donations received from donors and sponsors. Below are resources that can help you share about the SHRM Foundation.


Elevate and empower HR as a force for social good.


Mobilize and equip HR to lead positive social change so that all talent and workplaces can prosper and thrive.


A world of work that works for all.

Inclusion Initiatives

female veteran smiling in front of a window crossing her arms

Veterans at Work

The Veterans at Work program offers you critical insights from experts and the latest research to equip you with the knowledge and actionable tools needed to transform your workplace into one that welcomes, hires and supports veterans, their spouses and members of the military community.

two construction workers fistbumping

Getting Talent Back to Work

The Getting Talent Back to Work program is dedicated to breaking down barriers and creating pathways to employment for people who have been impacted by the justice system. This program provides you with the resources, tools and real-world examples to effectively attract, hire and retain individuals who have been justice-impacted.

man in a wheelchair in a hallway with female coworker

Employing Abilities at Work

The Employing Abilities at Work program is designed to educate you on disability inclusion and effectively managing the employment journey for people with disabilities. Gain knowledge to build evidence-based solutions, equipping you and your organization with tools to access untapped talent. Discover how to recruit, hire and retain individuals with disabilities.


More than 300 scholarships, grants, and awards will be awarded in 2023 for academic studies, SHRM certification, and professional development. View the list of all scholarships, grants, and awards.

Webcasts for Council/Chapter Leaders

The SHRM Foundation hosts Core Leadership Area (CLA) webcasts throughout the year. 2024 dates will be announced soon.

woman presents to a group of people

Events & Fundraising

As the 501 c(3) philanthropic arm of SHRM, the SHRM Foundation inspires and empowers HR professionals to unlock human potential and lead social change in the workplace and beyond. The SHRM Foundation's work is only possible thanks to the support from generous donations and sponsorships. Below are resources to support your fundraising efforts with your chapter and state council. 

SHAPE Guidelines

According to 2023 SHAPE Chapter and State Council workbooks (section 2), SHRM chapters and state councils will: "Support the SHRM Foundation by making a monetary contribution directly from the chapter's/state council's funds, received by the SHRM Foundation no later than December 31, 2023."  

In addition, your chapter and state council can earn the SHRM Foundation's Champion award by completing these three steps: 

  1. Make a monetary donation to the SHRM Foundation directly from chapter/council funds by December 31, 2023. 
  2. Host a fundraising event to benefit the SHRM Foundation. 
  3. Encourage board members and invite all chapter members to join Team Empower by making an individual annual donation of $30 or more to support the SHRM Foundation's annual initiative. 

Fundraising Tools

How to Make a Donation

  1. Online
  2. By mail to the SHRM Foundation's secure bank lockbox with a completed donation form:

The SHRM Foundation
1800 Duke St
Alexandria, VA 22314
C/O Markita Jeter

We encourage donors to give directly to the SHRM Foundation to ensure that their donation is tax-deductible. All donors who give online or give an offline gift  will receive an acknowledgment letter via email, which is your receipt for tax purposes. All donors are encouraged to give recognition credits to their chapter and council in honor of their gift. Recognition credits should be given at the point of donation and can be added or adjusted by donor request to SHRMFoundation@shrm.org

Local Impact

Making a difference in your local community is part of the SHRM Foundation's mission, and we encourage chapters and states to volunteer with the SHRM Foundation and support the SHRM Foundation's inclusion initiative in your community. Below are resources to consider when planning to host your own volunteer opportunity. 

Three Ways to Make a Difference

  1. Host a service project to support military veterans in your community.
  2. Educate and inspire local HR professionals on the value of hiring and retaining military veterans.
  3. Raise funds to help advance the mission of the SHRM Foundation.

Volunteering in Your Community

Volunteering is a great way to engage with current members and recruit new members while making a positive impact. Also, it shows that your chapter or state council is committed to being a leader in your community. 

two women collaborate in front of a laptop


From raising funds to teaching members how to build inclusive organizations, the SHRM Foundation is grateful for the support from your chapter or state council. The SHRM Foundation has developed key activity checklists to help you make the most out of your involvement. 

Step 1: Become a SHRM Champion

This checklist guides you through all the required steps to become a SHRM Foundation Champion.

  • Designate a SHRM Foundation Chair or Director to lead your chapter or council Foundation activities.
  • Ask your members, and strongly encourage your board members, to join Team Empower by making a donation of $30 or more to the SHRM Foundation and pledging to support our inclusion initiative.
  • Host a fundraising event to benefit the SHRM Foundation.
  • Make a donation from chapter or council funds to the SHRM Foundation by December 31.
  • Completing the SHAPE workbook by January 31, 2022 and include your chapter's/council's work to support the SHRM Foundation (see section 2, #5 on page 8 in the SHAPE Chapter Workbook or see section 2, #6 on page 7 in the SHAPE State Council Workbook).

Step 2: Increase Awareness of SHRM Foundation to Help Drive Support

Once you have achieved SHRM Foundation Champion Status, here are some ideas of ways you can broaden impact through your chapter or state council.  

  • Join the SHRM Foundation's quarterly CLA webcasts to learn more about the current work, upcoming scholarship deadlines and activities, and impact of the SHRM Foundation.
  • Launch a Team Empower membership drive at your chapter or state council conference to encourage members to support the SHRM Foundation. 
  • Encourage members to apply for SHRM Foundation scholarships, available for academic studies, SHRM certification, and professional development.
  • Host a full session or chapter meeting about engaging and integrating veterans in the workforce.

Step 3: Amplify Your Impact as a Top Supporter

Here are even more creative ways that your chapter or state council can strengthen support of the SHRM Foundation and demonstrate your commitment to the HR profession. 

Complete everything in the basic check list and the advanced checklist, plus: 

  • Make a goal to join the Top 10 Fundraising State Councils or Top 25 Fundraising Chapters by hosting multiple fundraising events, a large-scale event, or a donation drive to benefit the SHRM Foundation.
  • Create a chapter or council goal to have a select number of scholarship winners from your chapter or state by sharing about scholarships, supporting members as they apply, and celebrating your scholarship winners.
  • Sponsor a SHRM Foundation Scholarship that will be awarded annually to a member in your chapter or state.
  • Invite a speaker from SHRM's Speakers Bureau to present on a SHRM Foundation program focus and share more about the initiative. 
  • Partner with your chapter's workforce readiness and diversity chair to educate members about the SHRM Foundation's inclusion initiatives. 

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