SHRM Urges Governors to Appoint HR Professionals to State Workforce Development Boards
As part of its ongoing efforts to promote the participation of HR professionals on state workforce development boards, SHRM has sent letters to the governors of all 50 states. These letters urge governors to consider appointing HR professionals to these boards, emphasizing the critical role that HR practitioners play in shaping effective workforce policies and strategies.
State workforce development boards are crucial in shaping workforce policies and strategies that drive state economic growth and development. By leveraging the skills and expertise of HR professionals, these boards can gain a deeper understanding of local labor market needs, establish strong connections with the business community, and enhance their commitment to workforce development.
In these letters, SHRM said that HR professionals
“[b]ring a unique and valuable perspective to workforce development. Their expertise in talent acquisition, employee training and development (including upskilling and reskilling), and labor market trends can greatly enhance the board’s ability to address the evolving needs of both employers and job seekers … [They] are well versed in the challenges and opportunities within the labor market, such as the use of artificial intelligence in the workplace, and can provide insights that are essential for creating effective workforce policies, particularly at a time when we are experiencing a rapidly evolving economy and workplace.”
Do you serve on a workforce development board, or are you interested in serving on one? Please contact SHRM Government Affairs at to learn more about how SHRM can support you in this effort.
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