
SHRM Workplace Investigations Specialty Credential

April 03, 2024
San Mateo, CA

Program cost starting at:
Member: $1,405
Non-Member: $1,680

Event Time

8:00a.m. – 5:00 pm PT

PDC’s: 13.5

Program Overview

Even the best-run organizations may face situations that necessitate an investigation to mitigate workplace risk. Addressing complaints demands meticulous attention from HR professionals. This includes understanding when and how to engage external counsel, determining what justifies a formal investigation, mastering effective interviewing and data gathering techniques, analyzing results, drawing conclusions, and formulating recommendations for resolution.

By earning SHRM’s Workplace Investigation Specialty Credential, you empower yourself to operate effectively and accurately as an investigator. This credential provides the skills and knowledge necessary to lead workplace investigations within your organization, ensuring both compliance and resolution.

If you are SHRM-certified, completing this credential will earn you 13.5 Professional Development Credits (PDCs), which will automatically be added to your SHRM Certification profile.


Anne Gamino, CMP