Register to Participate in SHRM's Fourth Annual August In-District Advocacy Campaign
SHRM has launched its fourth annual August In-District Advocacy Campaign, scheduled during the August Congressional Work Period from August 3 through September 8. During this time, members of Congress will be in their home states and districts to meet with constituents.
Engaging with lawmakers in their local office offers a valuable opportunity to share your expertise and local perspective, fostering a deeper understanding of local needs and amplifying your advocacy efforts.
Your Role as a SHRM Advocate
Your participation in this campaign is a crucial way to elevate the voice of HR with lawmakers before the end of the 118th Congress. By participating in this campaign, you can directly engage with members of Congress and/or their staff on crucial workplace issues, including workforce development and workplace immigration.
Scheduling Responsibilities
Arrange meetings with both of your state’s U.S. senators and representative.
Arrange a meeting with your representative (if different than the state legislative director).
Arrange a meeting with your representative (if different than your chapter or state legislative director). We encourage you to contact your chapter or state legislative director if you would like to participate in additional meetings.
Please adhere to these scheduling parameters to prevent duplication of efforts and ensure a strategic and coordinated campaign. SHRM Government Affairs will monitor submissions closely to avoid any duplicative efforts.
If you are unsure whether a fellow SHRM member has already committed to meeting with your Member of Congress, please contact Sean McIntosh at sean.mcintosh@shrm.org and Mike Rose at mike.rose@shrm.org.
How to Participate
- Step #1: Complete SHRM’s 2024 August In-District Advocacy Registration form by July 31, 2024.
- Step #2: Please call your lawmaker’s offices directly to ask their preference for arranging an in-district or virtual meeting. Utilize the Congress directory to find your lawmaker’s contact information.
- Step #3: Download SHRM’s meeting request template, and contact your lawmaker’s offices to schedule a meeting .
- Step #4: After you have conducted your meeting with policymakers and/or their staff, please complete SHRM’s 2024 August In-District Advocacy Meeting tracker.

2024 In-District Advocacy Toolkit
Download SHRM’s email meeting request template to use when arranging for meetings with your lawmakers.
Download this resource which includes sample social media posts for you to use before and after your meetings with lawmakers.
If you are unsure who your representative is, use the "Find Your Representative" feature on the U.S. House of Representatives website. You can find district office information on your lawmaker’s website at house.gov or senate.gov.
Legislative Talking Points
During your meetings, please address critical workplace issues related to workforce development and workplace immigration. SHRM has provided legislative talking points and leave-behinds for each of these policy areas.
- The SHRM legislative talking points are intended for your use during meetings. You may also share these with policymakers and their staff.
- The SHRM leave behinds are designed to help policymakers and their staff better understand our priorities regarding these issues. Please distribute a copy to everyone you meet with.
Workforce Development:
SHRM urges Congress to reach a bipartisan agreement on apprenticeships and short-term Pell Grants before the end of the 118th Congress. SHRM and its members see firsthand the challenge of filling jobs in today’s labor market, and HR professionals want to build robust talent pipelines by creating opportunities for nontraditional talent pools and individuals facing barriers to employment.
Workplace Immigration:
SHRM supports several bills in Congress that would modernize the U.S. workplace immigration system. These include, but are not limited to, modernizing the asylum process, bringing talent to medically underserved areas, filling seasonal workforce gaps, and establishing a mechanism to recapture unused employment-based visas so employers can fill open positions.

Recertification Credit:
Participation in this campaign involves successfully scheduling and attending a meeting with a policymaker or their staff member before September 8. Participants will be eligible to receive 1.0 professional development credits (PDCs) towards their SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP credentials.
Policy Not Politics:
Civility is essential for effective governance. As the Voice of all Things Work, SHRM pursues nonpartisan public policy efforts to promote flexible, inclusive and equitable workplaces that help employers thrive as talent is tapped, trained and empowered to reach its full potential.
Contact Information:
Please contact Sean McIntosh at sean.mcintosh@shrm.org and/or Mike Rose at mike.rose@shrm.org if you have any questions about this campaign.