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Reactivating a Chapter

If your chapter is not shown on the SHRM Chapter Directory, it is because your chaper did not meet the requirements to remain an active chapter. 

The initial requirements for reactivating a chapter are as follows:

  • Contact regarding interest and for instruction on requirements. Please include your chapter number and full chapter name.

  • Your chapter must have at least 8 current SHRM student members

  • Your chapter’s college or university is an accredited four year or graduate institution/or a consortium of these or a two-year community college with a matriculation agreement between it and a four-year college or university

  • Your chapter has designated a current Professional SHRM Member® as the faculty advisor and a current SHRM Student member as the chapter president. If a co-advisor is designated, that individual also be a current Professional SHRM Member®.

  • Required Documents:

  • Submit the Student Chapter Information Form (SCIF)

    • All SHRM student chapters are required to designate 1 primary advisor, and 1 student chapter president with active SHRM memberships in order to maintain their active chapter status.

  • Submit the Chapter Roster Update Form

    • All SHRM student chapters are required to mainta​in a minimum of 8 active SHRM student memberships in order to maintain their active chapter status. Please include the member’s name, SHRM ID number (if available), address, and email address

  • Submit updated Chapter By-laws if existing by-laws are from 1999 or earlier. Model bylaws are included on our website.

    • Before signing, please send them to in advance for review to ensure everything is in order and no changes need to be made. Once they have been approved, the chapter bylaws must be signed by the advisor and the student chapter president before being sent back to SHRM for approval and ratification.

  • Submit section 1 of the Chapter Merit award, if applicable

    • Chapters who re-affiliate between Jan. 1 and March 31 of the current award year will be exempt from submitting Section 1 of the Chapter Merit Award report


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