
Gary Latham

Secretary of State Professor Organizational Behavior Rotman School of Management University of Toronto

Gary Latham headshot

Gary Latham is the Secretary of State Professor of Organizational Effectiveness at the University of Toronto (U of T) Rotman School of Management and a graduate faculty member for U of T's Center for Industrial Relations, the Department of Psychology, and the Faculty of Nursing.

He is President of Work and Organizational Psychology, a division of the International Association of Applied Psychology. He also has served as President of the Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) and the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology (SIOP). He is a Fellow of the CPA, SIOP, American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science, Academy of Management, National Academy of Human Resources, and the Royal Society of Canada. Gary also is the only person to have received both the SIOP's Distinguished Contributions to Science award and its Distinguished Professional Contributions award.

Gary earned his PhD from the University of Akron, his MS from Georgia Institute of Technology, and his BA from Dalhousie University. Prior to joining U of T, Dr. Latham was the Ford Motor Research Professor at the University of Washington's Business School and served as Chair of its Management Department.

In addition to teaching courses in HR Management and Organizational Behavior, Gary's research focus areas include employee motivation, performance appraisal, and training. He is currently investigating priming goal setting in the subconscious as part of a Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) grant.