NorCal Speaker Submissions
When developing the SHRM Northern California professional development program, our goal was to provide a balanced program that meets a variety of skill levels and interests of the SF Bay audience. The topics are based on The SHRM Body of Applied Skills and Knowledge (SHRM BASK), which describes the behavioral competencies and HR knowledge HR professionals need for effective job performance.
Please submit a separate proposal form for each session type. You may submit the same topic for each session type, however, SHRM expects the descriptions and learning objectives to be written specific to the session type. Session types include:
- Professional Development: These sessions are the educational backbone of the NorCal region and vary from 60 to 90 minutes depending on the topic.
- ½ Day Workshops: These four-hour workshops allow for in-depth discussion and learning on new approaches, best practices and provide practical takeaways and learnings for our attendees.
- Networking: These events are an opportunity for our members to meet with their peers and develop relationships with our business partners.
- Combination Events: These events are a combination of professional development and networking. Generally the professional development portion of the event is followed by a networking opportunity.
All speaker requests and proposals must include a session summary, speaker bio and speaker photo to be considered.
A Note Concerning Honoraria
SHRM has a tradition of using educational sessions as a platform for innovation in the field of human resource management. We look for contributors who are willing to share their expertise without expectation of payment in the spirit of networking, a purpose for which the Society was founded.
Contact Us
1820 Gateway Drive
Suite 170
San Mateo, CA 94404
650.609.2379 / 650.378.1327