People Manager Qualification (PMQ)
87% of Managers Who Use PMQ Say They’re Ready To Confidently Lead
PMQ teaches people managers to empower teams, transform workplaces, and cultivate a high-performing staff. Equally educational and entertaining, PMQ is an experience unlike any other. Invest, and your organization will be on the path to success.
The Numbers Don't Lie. PMQ Has a Big Impact!
of participants say the program is helpful for learning about people management
overall satisfaction rate from those who completed the PMQ
of learners found the PMQ program very engaging
feel they have gained confidence and are now fully equipped to manage a team
The Need Is Real
lost by U.S. organizations in the past five years due to employee turnover
of employees say their manager fails to frequently have honest conversations about work topics
1 in 3
workers say their manager can’t lead a team
of HR professionals’ time is spent addressing problems caused by poor people managers
Designed to build people managers’ skills in the four key areas HR executives say matter most to enterprise success and workplace culture.
- Effective Communication
- Performance Management
- Team Leadership
- Situational Judgement
With the SHRM PMQ’s outstanding content and active learning format, you can sharpen your skills in communication, team leadership, performance management and situational judgment—the skills most in demand now. You’ll learn how to:
- Build and Lead a Team
- Motivate and Engage Employees
- Set and Track to Goals
- Increase Your and Your Team’s Productivity
- Enable a More Positive, Inclusive and Unified Workplace Culture
Why It Works
It’s a class. It’s a game. It’s skills for life.
PMQ covers performance objectives and behavioral indicators essential for effective people management. Progress is evaluated by showing learners the topics they’ve mastered and areas where they can improve.
The SHRM PMQ breaks the e-learning mold by using entertainment to educate. Like your favorite on-demand series, the SHRM PMQ pulls learners in with engaging characters, scenarios, and workplace challenges.
Woven throughout the episodes are many opportunities to interact with content, problem-solve, make judgment calls, and practice new skills.
From its often-edgy style to its real-world scenarios and nontraditional active learning design, the SHRM PMQ teaches managers the skills they need in ways that help them best learn.
What PMQ Graduates Are Saying:
As an HR professional for over 20 years, being a member of SHRM has been an integral part of my growth. Having worked in organizations as the sole HR practitioner, I relied heavily on my involvement with SHRM as my go to knowledge base. Because I have professionally benefited from SHRM learnings and trainings, it was a no brainer that I would turn to SHRM to benefit the People Leaders in my organization.
Our industry is not a typical Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm one and the flexibility the program offered was a huge driver in the consideration process for a manager training. I am grateful to SHRM and to the wonderful team of SHRM teammates that I worked with throughout this process. They were simply AMAZING! I look forward to continued partnership as we gear up for the next round of SHRM PMQ for newly promoted and hired People Leaders.
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Other PMQ Graduates:
I liked the format of the program. It was beneficial to see the many angles to an issue and how different managers may have different perspectives on the issue at hand. I learned some important things from the manager groups discussions. The program really got me thinking of ways I could better myself as well as bringing out the best in team.
I really learned a lot - being a SHRM SCP I expected the journey to be similar in content and learning “ but this was different “ this was a real journey, and a dose of reality and current world events were very present. I am walking away with new perspective and more thoughtful approaches to my team and my management approach.
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An 8-Time Award Winner!

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