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California Workplace Safety Policy

Maintaining a safe workplace is essential to [Company Name]’s operations, and it is the company’s policy to promote safety on the job and to comply with applicable laws regarding safety in the workplace. The health and well-being of employees is foremost among the company’s concerns. For this reason, employees are expected to assist the company in maintaining safe working conditions. Employees are required to follow common sense safety practices and to correct or report any unsafe condition to [their supervisors/human resources/other job title]. Safety is a state of mind and requires constant vigilance and common sense. Safety is everyone’s responsibility. 

This policy applies to all employees while at work or engaged in work-related activities. 

The company recognizes that the responsibilities for safety and health are shared. Thus, the company has in place a safety and health program and provides regular training to all employees regarding this program. Employees who have questions about the company’s safety and health program should contact [their supervisors/human resources/other job title].

Employees are responsible to comply with the company’s safety rules and regulations and for continuously practicing safety while performing their duties. Employees are required to report to work during each scheduled workday able to safely and competently perform their job duties. If an employee is unable to safely or competently perform his or her job duties for any reason he or she is required to inform [his or her supervisor/human resources/other job title]. Additionally, employees who observe or experience unsafe working conditions are required to immediately report the unsafe working conditions to [their supervisors/human resources/other job title]. 

Additionally, as detailed in the company’s [Work-Related Accidents and Injuries Policy], all workplace accidents, injuries and illnesses involving employees, even those that are not serious, must be immediately reported to [their supervisors/human resources/other job title]. Similarly, all accidents and injuries involving the company’s customers, vendors, contractors or any other person who is on company premises, even those that are not serious, must be immediately reported to [their supervisors/human resources/other job title]. 

It is only through full knowledge of every accident or injury that the company can become a safer, healthier place to work for everyone. Employees’ notification to the company of unsafe working conditions or of workplace accidents, injuries or illnesses is essential to enforcing this policy. Employees may be assured that they will not be penalized in any way for reporting unsafe working conditions or workplace accidents, injuries or illnesses. 

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​An organization run by AI is not a futuristic concept. Such technology is already a part of many workplaces and will continue to shape the labor market and HR. Here's how employers and employees can successfully manage generative AI and other AI-powered systems.
