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International Assignment Management: Expatriate Policy and Procedure

Our Philosophy

[Company Name] is a global company that operates over X offices worldwide. The transfer of employees between the various [Company Name] units, from headquarters to subsidiaries, between subsidiaries and from subsidiaries to headquarters, enables our company to better utilize its human resources, while offering efficient support to its business activity. In addition, it enables our executives and professionals to gain international business experience and opens up wider promotion paths.


The objective of this procedure is to define the processes, terms and conditions for transferring personnel from one [Company Name] unit to another and to provide guidelines for the benefit and relocation package for such employees. While differing laws in various countries may influence some aspects of the policy implementation, the basic guidelines are to be maintained in order to ensure a unified company policy.

The effective date of this policy is [Insert Date].


Expatriate (Hereinafter “Ex-pat”) - An employee who is relocated from his/her home country to work at one of the subsidiaries of [Company Name] abroad or at Corporate Headquarters for a period exceeding one year.

Host country/ subsidiary - The receiving or destination country/subsidiary of the Ex-pat.

Home country/subsidiary - Originating country/subsidiary of the Ex-pat.

General Approval process for an Ex-pat assignment

The transfer of an employee from headquarters to a subsidiary, between subsidiaries or from a subsidiary to headquarters, is contingent upon joint discussions held between the divisions and the subsidiaries.

The Ex-pat position must be granted budgetary approval from the division and approved by the Corporate HR Forum. The host country has veto power over the corporate offer for all candidates except those in top management positions. In January of each year, the HR Forum will convene in order to discuss general Ex-pat recruitment needs for the upcoming year.

Contract approval process

Contracts of subsidiary management team are coordinated and approved in advance by the relevant Co-President and Corporate VP of HR. The rest of the Ex-pat’s contract is coordinated and approved in advance by the Corporate VP of HR.

The employment offer, including salary, benefits and job description, is generated on behalf of the subsidiary by the host country HR Manager and/or relevant VP.

When an Ex-pat relocates from one subsidiary to another, the receiving HR Manager will transfer the offer to the HR Manager in the Home Subsidiary and to the Corporate VP of HR.

As a rule, the entire process of transferring employees between the various company units (subsidiaries/headquarters) under Ex-pat terms is coordinated by Corporate VP of HR (as described above).

Standard Assignment Period

Ex-pat status is restricted to a period of up to 5 years. After this period, the employee is no longer employed under Ex-pat terms and conditions, but rather, under local terms. Exceptions are granted under very limited circumstances and require written explanations and approval of the subsidiary president and the Corporate VP of HR. Under no circumstances will the extension of Ex-pat status exceed an additional 3 years.

Transferring from one subsidiary to another is considered a new assignment in this context.

Terms of Assignment Termination

Completion of the Ex-pat assignment requires a ninety (90) day mutual notice period. If the Ex-pat assignment is termi­nated by the company for any reason other than a breach of the employment agreement on the part of the employee, s/he will be relocated to his/her home country in accordance with the company’s then-current relocation policy and will be exempt from repaying the standing relocation loan

Relocation Allowance

In the event that the employee resigns from the company or from the assignment, he is required to repay the relocation allowance on a pro-rata basis as well as take responsibility for household moving arrangement and expenses (excluding countries in which the law requires the Company to cover Ex-pat relocation expenses, even in case of employee resignation).

Budget allocation

All Ex-pat benefits will be allocated to the host country budget.

Commitment to Hiring the Ex-pat When His/Her Assignment is Completed

[Company Name] makes no commitment to re-hire the employee in his/her home country after his/her Ex-pat assignment is completed.

However, should the employee work in his host country during the ninety (90) day notice period (see above), the employee will be granted the right to work for three (3) months at the company in the Home country on local terms as determined by the home country HR manager on a case-by-case basis.

Commitment to return to the company upon assignment completion

The employee makes no commitment to return to the company upon completion of his/her assignment. However, s/he may be eligible for repatriation benefits (see “Repatriation Policy & Benefits”) upon return to his/her home country.

Spouse Status/Domestic Partners

[Company Name] will extend spouse status to domestic partners. Ex-pat terms apply to the employee, his/her spouse or domestic partner and their children.

Salary Review

Salary review takes place in accordance with the host subsidiaries policy as approved by corporate policy.


The Ex-pat is responsible for paying any tax liability incurred from benefits and compensation received in both his/her host and home countries (excluding countries in which the employer is required to deduct the taxes from all paid benefits).

Option Plan

Options are granted, if applicable, in accordance with host country policy.

Retention of Home Country Social Benefits

The company will cease to fund payment to retirement plans for Ex-Pats for the period of employment in one of the Company subsidiaries. Following are details on the implementation of the decision:

Ex-Pats Recruited from within [Company Name]

Upon the termination of employee-employer relations with [Company Name] – prior to his relocation to the subsidiary, the Ex-Pat will sign an employment termination agreement with [Company Name]. The amounts accumulated by the employee in various funds, will be released

Ex-Pats Recruited from outside of the Company

In accordance with the above-mentioned policy, no amounts will be allocated to retirement and national insurance to Ex-pats recruited from outside the company as of January 2004.

Ex-Pats Currently in Office

Employees will be granted the option to choose between the termination of employer-employee relations and between the continued payments of funds, up to a ceiling of 5 years after their departure to the host subsidiary – a time in which, according to the procedure, the employees cease to carry Ex-Pat status.

The termination of employee-employer relations, in this context, is accompanied by the release of accumulated funds only, with no supplement. Any employee decision (continued payment of funds or termination of relations) will be backed by a document signed by the employee.

Health Insurance

The Employee and his immediate family are covered by local or international health insurance as per the host country’s policy.

Performance Appraisal

In accordance with host country policy (as per corporate policy).

Recruitment and Selection of Ex-pats

Ex-pat recruitment is conducted either internally (i.e. within the company) or externally.

Internal Recruitment

The recruitment process must include a professional recommendation from the division/unit/subsidiary and personality assessment of the employee and his/her spouse conducted by the HR manager (in Corporate, HR manager of the relevant Division or by the Recruitment manager) and/or by an external assessment agency.

Once a final decision is made in the home country, the internal candidate will be interviewed at the host country.

Should the host country HR manager decide to hire, s/he will issue a contract to the employee in cooperation with the HR manager in the home country.

The home country HR manager is charged with care of the administrative processes surrounding the relocation of the employee, including the signing of a non-paid-vacation/leave of absence agreement, which identifies preservation of rights benefits but otherwise confirms the lack of a contractual relationship between the home country company and the employee.

External Recruitment at Corporate

In cases where there is no suitable internal candidate the Corporate Recruitment manager in cooperation with the HR Manager of the relevant division, will manage the search.

The external candidate will be interviewed by corporate managers and by the HR department. Assuming the candidate makes a positive impression, an external personality and capabilities assessment process of both the candidate and his/her spouse will be performed by a specialized agency.

Once Corporate makes positive recommendation, the candidate will be interviewed by the host country.

An acceptance by the Subsidiary will result in either:

  • The Subsidiary offering the position to the candidate and employing him/her from day one (the preferred option), or:
  • The candidate signing a temporary agreement with Corporate until completion of the training period and/or residency visa procedures. In this case, a secondary employment agreement for the assignment will also be signed with the Subsidiary.

Work Visa

Engagement in an Ex-pat employment assignment is contingent on successful attainment of work authorization in the host country. The process for being granted a work visa differs with the country of destination. Company is responsible for supporting the application for a work visa for the employee and a residence visa for the family.

It is the responsibility of the host country HR manager in coordination with the home country HR manager to take care of the process.

Family Visas

[Company Name] is obliged to support the application of a residency visa only for the Ex-pat’s immediate family (for this matter, the term “immediate family” relates to the spouse and children of the Ex-pat).

The employee has the responsibility to monitor the accuracy and expiration dates of visa documentation for himself and his/her family in order to maintain a lawful working status in the host country.

Language studies

The allotment of English/local language lessons will be approved in accordance with each Subsidiary’s existing policy.

Cross-Cultural Orientation

Written material containing informative details relevant to the country of destination will be delivered to the employee by the HR Department. A complementary cross-cultural workshop will be also coordinated for the employee, his/her spouse and their adult children. The workshop will concentrate on the psychological/emotional stages that the employee and his/her family are likely to face during the transition to a foreign country.

The workshop will be coordinated by the HR Department in the home country once the contract is signed.

Preview Trip

The candidate who expresses a sincere intention to accept the Ex-pat assignment and his/her spouse/domestic partner (if they have school age children) are eligible for a preview trip.

The preview trip is approved for up to 5 working days. It is recommended that the preview trip be combined with a business trip.

The company will pay for round trip economy airfares to the host country and per-diem according to the home country’s per-diem travel policy.

The potential candidate should notify the host country’s HR manager re: his/her preview trip schedule so that proper arrangements can be made.

The potential candidate will meet with his/her direct manager and related business VP’s or managers to learn more about the scope of the job as well as the host country milieu.

House hunting should be done during the preview trip. If possible, it is recommended that an apartment be identified so paperwork can be processed and the apartment readied for when the Ex-pat’s arrival to start his/her assignment.

Visits to potential schools should also take place during the preview trip.

Temporary Housing (at home country)

Expats will be allowed to choose between using their 30 days of hotel and rented car right in their Home Country or at the Host Country, as long as they don't exceed the 30 days period limit.

Special Vacation Days for Arrangement

The Ex-pat is eligible for 5 days vacation leave, in addition to the annual leave, before going on the assignment, in order to arrange his personal matters.

Traveling and Settling-in Policy & Benefits

Cargo Shipment

The company pays for a 20-foot container, insured for up to $40K (US).

It is the responsibility of the host country HR manager to coordinate cargo shipment, except in the case of Ex-pats departing or repatriating from and to Corporate. In such cases, the Customer Department of the Operations Division coordinates the shipment.

For Ex-pats moving from one subsidiary to another, on a sequential assignment, the Repatriation Policy and Benefits re: cargo shipment, shall apply.

No payments will be allocated for the storage of freight for longer than the period required to release the container from Customs.

Relocation Allowance

The company will provide the Ex-pat with a Relocation Allowance to assist with miscellaneous transition expenses. The amount of the allowance will be $3K (US) for singles and $4K (US) for couples with or without children.

The payment will be provided in the home country or upon arrival in the host country as per local procedures.

If the Ex-pat resigns before completing two years of his/her assignment, he/she will be required to pay back the Relocation Allowance to the company on a pro-rata basis.

Household Goods Loan- Company Inc.

Upon arrival at Company Inc., the Ex-pat is eligible to apply for an additional no interest loan of up to $2.5K (US) to assist with miscellaneous costs.

The loan is repaid as per subsidiary policy.

Temporary Housing and Rental Car

Upon arrival at the country of destination, the company will pay for car rental and hotel accommodations for a period of up to 30 days. During this time the employee is expected to make longer term automobile and housing arrangements.

Special Vacation Days for initial settling

Upon arrival to new country the Ex-pat is eligible for 5 days vacation leave, in addition to the annual leave, for arranging his personal matters.

At-Post Policy & Benefits

Annual Leave- as per host country policy.

Holidays and Leave - as per host country policy.

Housing- as per host country policy.

Car- as per host country policy.

Home Leave

Ex-pats are eligible for home leave after each year, as long as they have a balance of one-year service commitment in the host country upon return from home leave.

Home Leave Duration

The duration of the home leave will be up to 21 days, as listed below:

5 days – Training and meetings that will be regarded as working days at Corporate headquarters or at the Home Subsidiary headquarters. In case there is no need for the employee to attend any business meetings/training or if his home country is far from subsidiary headquarters, these 5 days, if taken, will be on the account of the employee’s annual vacation days allotment together with the other 10 days mentioned below.

6 days – Weekends

10 days – Annual vacation days

[Company Name] will cover the round-trip coach fare from and to the country of origin for up to a 21-day visit by the employee and his/her family. In the event that the employee’s family extends its visit beyond the 21-day period and in the event that this extension incurs additional costs to the tickets, these costs will be borne by the employee.

Home Leave Expenses

The Ex-pat is eligible for a special (taxable) allowance towards expenses during home leave:

Senior Subsidiary managers (Presidents/Vice Presidents) will be eligible for $2,000 (US). They are also eligible to a car for their use during the working days they are requested to work during their home leave period, up to a 5 days limit. Any other car expenses during the Home Leave period are covered by the $2,000 that Senior Subsidiary Managers are entitled to as Home Leave Expenses.

Other Ex-pats will be eligible for $1,300 (US).

Application for Home Leave

Ex-pats will fill the home leave application form and obtain direct manager’s, relevant VP’S and host country HR manager’s approvals prior to taking the leave. This process should take place 3 months prior to the starting date of the planned home leave.

Children’s Education

[Company Name] pays for children’s education from Kindergarten through Secondary School or High School Grade 12 equivalent or from age 2 to age 18, depending on local practice.

In countries where the local school system is inappropriate or in an unfamiliar language, International/ American/ British/ Canadian School may be an appropriate alternative.

Educational expenses supported by the company include the following:

  • School registration fee
  • Tuition fee
  • School bus transportation fee
  • The company does not pay for the following:
  • Summer school
  • Summer camp
  • School field trip

Academic Studies

Ex-pats (who are not subsidiary management members) will have the option to apply for academic studies, with a subsidy of the company, according to the local subsidiary’s terms and procedures.

Ex-pats who are subsidiary management members (VP’s and Branch managers) will have the option to apply for academic studies, with a subsidy of the company (based on the subsidiary terms and procedure). The applications will be submitted with the subsidiary recommendations to Corporate HR VP for final approval

Family Member in Home Country

The company will provide a round trip economy air ticket for the shortest route to the host country as per the home leave policy of frequency of the Ex-pat, for family member/s who continue to reside in the home country. Family member/s in this case includes sons and/or daughters of the Ex-pat until age 18 or completion of mandatory military service.

Death in the Family

In the event there is a death in the Ex-pat’s family or the Ex-pat’s spouse’s family the company will pay for round trip economy air tickets to the Ex-pat’s home country for either the Ex-pat or his/her spouse. The Ex-pat is entitled to 7 working days paid leave under such circumstances. For the matter of this paragraph, “Family” is defined as: father, mother, spouse, son, daughter, brother or sister.

Tax Preparation Assistance

The Ex-pat is eligible for tax consultation reimbursement as per host country policy.

Repatriation Policy & Benefits

The benefits set forth below will be valid for a period of up to three months after the date of assignment completion and only in conjunction with a bona fide move of a permanent nature back to the employee’s country of origin or to a subsequent assignment in another subsidiary.

Cargo Shipment

Upon assignment completion the company will arrange and pay for the Ex-pat’s cargo shipment. An Ex-pat with 3 or more children will be eligible for a 40-foot container insured for up to $40K (US). An Ex-pat with fewer than 3 children is eligible for a 20-foot container, insured for the amount of up to $40K (US).

It is the responsibility of the originating country HR manager to coordinate the shipment, except in the case of Ex-pats repatriating to Corporate. In this case, the Customer Department of the Operations Division coordinates the shipping.

No payments will be allocated for the storage of freight in the host or home country for a period exceeding that required to release the container from Customs.

Special Vacation Days for Arrangement (Host Country).

The Ex-pat is eligible for 5 days vacation leave, in addition to the annual leave for arranging his personal matters, before departing to his/her home country or before going on his/her next Ex-pat assignment.

Temporary Housing and Rental Car (Host Country)

The company will pay for car rental and hotel accommodations for a period of up to 12 days if needed, at the employee’s regular location, prior to the Ex-pat departure from the host country. The host country HR manager is responsible for the coordination of these arrangements.

Benefits for Employees Returning to Work at Company in Home Country

Special Vacation Days for Arrangement

The employee is eligible for 5 days vacation leave, in addition to the annual leave, to assist with his/her settling-in arrangements.

Repatriation Grant

The company will reimburse the employee for up to $1,000 (US), as per receipts, to help with repatriation expenses. “Repatriation Expenses” include such expenses as temporary accommodations, rental cars and tutoring.


This procedure may be changed occasionally. All changes require the approval of the Corporate VP Human Resources.


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