Inclusion & Diversity

Stay up-to-date on how inclusion and diversity are shaping workplaces.

SHRM is committed to leading with Inclusion and Diversity, knowing a culture of Inclusion is the true catalyst for effecting positive change in our workplaces. When arriving at the strategic decision to focus on Inclusion & Diversity, SHRM fully contemplated all facets of the current DEIBA construct, including E (Equity), B (Belonging), and A (Accessibility). Our commitment to advancing these elements remains steadfast and we believe the elements of Equity, Accessibility and Belonging are part of any effective I&D program. 

We are being guided by data and insights to pinpoint what will truly move the needle on this critically important business initiative. Our research started with a focused review in 2018. Notably, in 2018 we transformed our Diversity conference by renaming it Inclusion. Our findings, substantiated by the SHRM Empathy Index, surveys conducted on the AmeriSpeaks Panel, and dialogue with a wide range of stakeholders, reveal a near-universal consensus on the efficacy of I&D strategies. Conversely, the concept of equity has led to polarization, impeding progress.

Data and trends highlight critical insights:

If you need support on a specific issue in your workplace, SHRM Ask An Advisor is available to all. 

Member Resources

Follow these steps to create an inclusion and diversity (I&D) plan.

This toolkit provides information and resources to help employers create a workplace that values the differences among individuals and where people can feel comfortable bringing their full selves to work.

A sample policy for employers committed to fostering employee inclusion in the workplace.

Inclusion, equity and diversity all relate to the actions an employer takes to help bring about a feeling of belonging for its employees.

This toolkit provides an overview of the legal framework in which employers must navigate religion in the workplace and also discusses the opportunity to provide a welcoming and inclusive workplace as a major factor in attracting and retaining top talent.

​This sample presentation is intended for delivery to supervisors and other individuals who manage employees. It is designed to be presented by an individual who has knowledge of the concepts and best practices regarding unconscious bias in the workplace.

Media Coverage

Beyond the Headlines:
A Conversation with SHRM President and CEO Johnny C. Taylor, Jr., and Jessica Kriegel on SHRM’s Strategic Decision to Prioritize Inclusion and Diversity.


Female employees can and should advocate for themselves, but panelists at SHRM24 said one thing that is often missing is colleagues and managers speaking up and advocating for the female employees in their workplaces.

At first glance, Ed Frauenheim and Sha’Kiera Randolph could not be more different. But in their concurrent session at SHRM24 in Chicago, the “diverse duo” shared what brought them together, along with the six ingredients for their “soulful stew of inclusion.”

Three in 4 employees who identify as LGBTQ+ agree that they are treated fairly at work. However, data suggests stigma and discrimination against these workers still occurs in workplaces.

Sara Taylor took the stage at SHRM24 to share learnings from her career of developing diversity training and building cultural competence at work. She explained the mechanics of unconscious bias and taught attendees strategies for truly understanding one another.

SHRM is calling on California to update its veterans’ hiring preference exception because it applies only to Vietnam War-era veterans and offers protection to employers solely against gender discrimination claims.

Employers in the construction industry that are general contractors should periodically verify that their subcontractors are following through with their harassment prevention commitments, according to the EEOC.

The SHRM Foundation offers a free certificate program for California HR professionals to teach them effective practices for recruiting and retaining workers with disabilities.

Inclusion Conference 2024

Learn How to Encourage, Energize and Elevate I&D Initiatives in Your Workplace.

There’s a reason why the SHRM INCLUSION conference has sold out the last two years. The HR industry has recognized it as a catalyst that brings together an incredibly diverse group of attendees, speakers, thought leaders and solutions providers who all have the same goal: to protect, prioritize and (em)power the workforce to create better workplaces where all employees act with civility, are made to feel as if they belong and have opportunities to thrive.
