Employee Benefits Survey
2024 Employee Benefits

Family Care

teacher with kids

Supporting Employees Who Support Others

Traversing a frontier of growing inflation, increased worker expectations, and skyrocketing costs for caregiving, organizations are put in a unique position to aid employees with a plethora of options for family care benefits. With a steadily increasing cost of living, employers recognize the growing difficulties that employees face with caring for those who are closest to them. Whether offering benefits for mothers, fathers, guardians, or caregivers for dependent adults, employers that recognize and assist these employees through their benefits packages position themselves well in a competitive labor market.

Continue below to explore family care benefits and what organizations like yours are offering in 2024.

How Do Your Benefits Stack Up?

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  • Significantly Down
  • Down
  • No Change
  • Up
  • Significantly Up
*For confidentiality purposes, a minimum of five responses is required to show filtered results. For filters resulting in 5-19 responses, results will display an asterisk to denote a low response count.

Family Services Benefits

Dependent Care Flexible Spending Account
Bring Child to Work in Emergency
Child Care
Referral Service
Elder Care
Referral Service

Benefits for New Mothers

On December 29, 2022, the federal government passed the Providing Urgent Maternal Protections (PUMP) for Nursing Mothers Act, which greatly expands the rights and protections of employees who are nursing. Under the new legislation, nearly all organizations covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) must provide a break time and place, other than a bathroom, which is shielded from view and free from intrusion, to express breast milk. Although there are some exceptions, this likely explains the dramatic jump in availability for onsite lactation/mother’s room benefits, jumping 19 percentage points from last year.  

onsite lactation

Onsite Lactation/Mother’s Room

Lactation Support Services

Lactation Support Services

pet insurance

Pet Health Insurance

For the second year in a row, the prevalence of pet health insurance has increased, this year to 22%. Since 2022, insurance for pets has risen by 8 percentage points, demonstrating that many employers are recognizing the value that offering this typically low-cost benefit can bring to their employees. Organizations that offer this benefit may realize the connection between pet ownership and employee well-being, and thus understand that by alleviating monetary pressures for employees to care for their pets, they can better retain top talent.