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David Pease's Sample Mentoring Agreement

We, ________________(Protégé) and ____________________(Mentor) are entering into this learning partnership to produce mutually agreed upon benefits and results. Our focus will be on achievement of learning goals created in the Protégé Growth Plan:

  • We will work togetherto achieve stated learning goals and objectives.

  • The nature of our mentoring activities will be confidential. If information is to be shared with the protégé’s manager or the organization, it will be done with expressed consent of both parties.

  • Our learning partnership will be based upon a trusting relationship. Both parties must be open to honest, balanced feedback.

  • We understand the spirit of a mentoring relationship is based on new thinking, to seek different and multiple alternatives, pose challenging questions, engage in stimulating dialogue and make mistakes in a safe learning environment. 

  • We agree to end when goals are achieved or when either party deems appropriate.

Expectations for the Mentor:



Learning/Development Goals for the Protégé (Be SMART—Specific, Measurable, Action-Oriented, Realistic and Time-Specific):




Resources needed to achieve plan goals:


Minimum time to be spent on this mentoring relationship. Tentative meeting schedule:


Desired duration of the relationship:


Additional criteria to ensure successful learning:




Signature of Mentor




Signature of Protégé




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