female working

Remote Work

The coronavirus pandemic has made working remotely commonplace in many industries. But the benefits of telework also bring new challenges for employers. Look below for the latest news and updates, as well as critical member-only resources. 

Here is related information to help you address other aspects of remote work:

  • Review our articles and tools for navigating the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Explore our latest Return to Work resources to inform your return-to-office plans.
  • Check out our Future of Work resources to learn more about flexible work arrangements of tomorrow—and the technologies that will enable them.
Executives congregating and chatting at a conference
A woman is walking down a hallway with a briefcase.

Ask an Advisor

SHRM's HR knowledge Advisors offer guidance, real-life personal/professional experiences, and resources to assist our members with their HR-related inquiries.

Group standing with folded hands and smiling

Employee Engagement

SHRM's Employee Engagement Survey service focuses on more than 50 aspects of job satisfaction and engagement commonly linked to performance.